He is the cutest cat in the world. (Don't tell Audrey I said that) I affectionately call him fat cat non stop. I don't think he minds because I cuddle him and rub his tummy. He is not like a normal cat. He loves cuddles, and wants everyone to pet him. Currently he is 16.5 lbs. He used to be 20 lbs but we put him on his new "diet". It consists of healthier cat food and his whining non stop. We inherited him from Randy's old (rude) roommate, and we couldn't love him more. I think he keeps my baby wanting at bay because he's a lot of work. His favorite things are chasing birds, laying out in the sun, and sleeping on top of the couch (and the night stand, and the coffee table, and my head). He is so lazy, but I LOVE HIM. It's why people call me a crazy cat lady!
This is Audrey.
She is three (at least we think?) and she doesn't like people. She's what you would call a "typical" cat. She hates being held, and would rather not sleep anywhere near us. I usually find her sleeping in the weirdest spots. Her regular sleeping places are Randy's chair, on her scratch post, and in Annaleens room when we leave the door open. She loves to be outside, and even has a boyfriend. His name is Felix, he lives down the street and he's kinda feisty. She is way more vocal lately, so now I know she's not mute. Seriously, for the past year we thought she couldn't talk. Randy got her for me after we got married, and she may not be cuddly, but I LOVE her.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know my babies. Don't worry, I sure post lots of pictures of him on instagram. (mjbuck) follow me!
You are a brave lady! I am allergic to cat hair... but they are super cute animals, and cuddling is ALWAYS the best!
ReplyDeletethey're so chubby!!!! i secretly want cats... or maybe just one. i like being able to go places with the dog though :)