Thank you Megan for nominating me for a Liebster Award! It's meant for
blogs with under 200 followers in order to help get your name out
This is what you have to do:
- Give 11 things about yourself
- Answer the questions your nominator created
- Choose 11(ish) blogs to nominate
- Create 11 questions or use the previous ones
- Let them know they've won!
About Me:
1. I'm very, very afraid of car washes. VERY AFRAID.
2. I put ketchup and hot dogs in my KD (mac & cheese for my american folk)
3. My cat Theo sleeps on my pillow & if he doesn't I can't fall asleep.
4. I'm a crazy insomniac. I never sleep.
5. I am a shopaholic. I can't go in malls anymore unless I'm with my husband or a friend who will talk to out of everything.
6. I'm addicted to Lush bath bombs.
7. I have to drink 3 or 4 diet cokes or coke zeros a day. Otherwise I'm a mean, mean person.
8. I hate milk. I can't drink it.
9. I never ever put my clothes away after washing them. They sit in the hamper until I wear them.
10. I also don't own an iron, so my clothes are mostly wrinkled.
11. My husband is my best friend & does anything for me.
Questions from Katie/Megan:
If you could do anything and money was no matter, what would you do?
I would buy a house, have a bunch of kids and get to be a stay at home mom. I also would travel everywhere I could. Oh, and I would decorate my house like a billionaire.
Favorite Holiday?
My favorite holiday is Christmas. I'm addicted to decorating the house for every holiday though.
What goals do you have for the next year?
Have a baby & buy a house.
Favorite Movie:
I honestly can't choose! I love every movie I watch.
Who is your biggest role model?
My parents. They rock!
Who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
My parents of course. They taught me everything I know.
What makes you happy?
Randy, Annaleen, my family, my friends and my cats
Anyone who wants!!
One day, I will come and visit you in Canada while my husband goes Duck hunting.