I am in the process of being a CANADIAN!! This is really exciting to me, because it's a huge part of my life, and I just want to be here for the rest of my life! There is seriously SO much to do for it, and its' reallllly stressful in these parts these days. Randy is sponsoring me, so it's a lot more complex than it should be. We have to PROVE our love. Do you know how much work it is to prove you love each other to the government? You'd be surprised... Who knew how awkward this could be. We are contacting people in Randy's life who he has NEVER talked to (example: birth father, step sisters...) Thank heavens for Facebook!
Our summer was pretty fun, but I'm probably not going to talk about it. There was just too much! Here's to autumn, and hopefully blogging more.
As you could tell, I just needed to vent about how stressful everything is. Any stress tips!?!?